Intermediate Womens Night Ride

Event Date:
30 July, 2024
Event Time:
6:00 pm
Event Location:
Explore MTB
This ride is for women who are comfortable mountain biking on blue trails during the day but are keen to explore night riding! There is no skill or training provided on mountain biking technique during this session, other than advice that relates to night riding skills.
Is it cold? Yep!
Is it dark? Yep.
Is it fun? Absolutely!!
A lot of women have never had a go at night riding before but here’s your chance!
We provide the lights and help the group to navigate the trails at night together. No one gets left behind.
What do I bring?
All your normal riding gear, water, tools, spares etc.
How does the light attach?
The lights attach to your helmet using the vents that most helmets have. If your helmet does not have vents, then you can borrow a hire bike helmet for the session.
What if I’m a beginner?
We will be hosting night riding events for beginners soon, but this one is aimed at confident, intermediate riders.
What riding level is required?
For this ride, you should be be confident and competent to ride blue trails during the day for 1.5-2 hours at a time. You should be able to roll over small features, use your gears well on climbs and be in control of your bike with good braking skills. We will be stopping regularly to regroup and chat but expect to ride at least 10km – it’s pretty cold standing around so we will keep moving often.
What if I have my own lights already?
Great! We have 6 sets available, but if you already have some that will last the distance, that means an extra person can come. In this case, just grab yourself a ticket but don’t add lights to your order.
Please note: Please only register for yourself and choose 1 ticket only. If you want your friend to also come, they need to grab a ticket separately so we receive their details also.